Working Mom Part 1 (a 2 part-er? NO WAY!)
Just last week I had the SO FUN (and kind of random) opportunity of talking with four sweet mommy friends at different times and places (and texts) and all of us pretty much said same thing; we're trying really hard to get to the heart of parenting and simplify our lives so we can give a clear representation of Jesus to our children. While that sentence makes it sound basic and pretty and tied up in a sweet little bow the reality of that desire is rather laborious, time consuming, humbling, and a lot of times exhausting. But instead of leaving those conversations burdened or disappointed I left spurred on and excited! We have been given this gift, this blessing - not the worldly view of blessing as luck, but a God spoken blessing. It is an honor to have this job. And in the squabble breaking, whine banning, and another drink of water giving we get to show Jesus's heart, character, love, grace and yes, discipline to these precious gifts. When my kid spills his cup of milk ag...