
Showing posts from August, 2013

Blessed to Bless

Thank you,  Faith Bible Church , for hosting this fantastic opportunity to serve the Lord by helping put together over 5,000 (FIVE THOUSAND!!) meal bags for  Kids Around the World . I love the people of FBC and their hearts for the poor and marginalized and how they look for and support ways families can serve together.  (praying over the boxes of meals)  It's a special organization that can utilize even the younger kiddos, and for that I am so thankful! (weighing and adjusting the bags of food, Troy was really good at this!) (Mia slept through the whole thing, but she would've fit right in.)  The kids had great time but more importantly we had lots of good conversations about the poor, about ways to serve locally and worldwide, about being "privileged" and what responsibility comes with that. We are already looking for other ways to serve as a family, and can't wait to work with Kids Around the World again.  (Draw...

One Year

Chances are, whether you have biological or adopted children, you remember every detail of the moment you found out you were going to be a mom. First child or 10th child, it never fails to imprint  your heart and mind forever. You remember the time of day.You remember the bathroom you took the test in. You remember the heart-racing feeling of seeing the agency's number on your caller I.D. and where you were when you got "the call". You remember the first person you told. And you remember the prayer you mumbled as you caught your breath as it had inevitably been knocked out of you for a brief moment. It was noon. I was here. In a pretend bedroom in a pretend house in a Pretend City. I almost didn't answer the phone because it wasn't exactly a "phone call" friendly location. But I saw the number, and I just knew I needed to get that call.  We have a 6 day old . . . He's 5lb 11oz . . . He's Mexican/Native American . . ...