On Why I deleted my Political FB Post

It seems there is a breaking news story being told daily which has my head shaking, and no story had my blood boiling more than what took place in New York last week. I read the news that morning and went on to spend WAY TOO MUCH time reading article after article and listening to commentaries on the subject. Eventually, I planted myself on the worst of all news sources, Social Media. I was obsessed. I scrolled, and clicked, and liked, and disliked my way through all the posts, all the comments, all the news clips aimed right at people like me. Bait, click, read, thumb-down emoji. Bait, click, read, cry-face emoji. Bait, click, watch, angry-face emoji. I. Could. Not. Stop. Soon enough, I knew I needed to join the ranks. People needed to know how Sarah Fitzpatrick felt about this matter. SOMEONE MIGHT READ MY POST AND BE CHANGED! I posted. Shockingly, no one was changed. A day or so went by and I took the post down, but not because I wasn't changing any lives, th...