
Showing posts from November, 2012

I Heart FPRE

 Have I mentioned how proud I am of the creative marketing team at Fitzpatrick + Prince Real Estate?   My husband, the uber talented and ultimate entrepreneur Mark Fitzpatrick, has been blessed with some pretty incredible videographers, editors and marketing gurus over at FPRE. And when they all come together beautiful and innovative marketing videos are made. You may remember this award winning video.... Nice stuff, eh? I think a lot of real estate groups do videos, some even do good ones, but NONE of them - try as they may - meet this caliber of professionalism, artistry, and killer marketing skills. Of course, I might be a little biased. Or maybe I'm not. After seeing the above video representatives from Pretend City  wanted FPRE to create a short video that would be shown at their Fundraising Gala. Something that would capture the beauty, and necessity, of children playing and playing pretend. The creative marketing team came up with this, and I don't think,...