That last post seems a liiiiiiiiiitle melodramatic for my liking. But I don't want to remove it altogether because in the moment of when I wrote it, it was very much how I felt; spent on all accounts. That's usually how I feel every night around 8:30. Like all day I've been a vending machine/slave/genie in a bottle, but not the sexy - Christina Aguilera - genie in a bottle, more like a "POOF! What do you want? POOF! What do you want" genie. Not nearly as cool. We took (or attempted to take, rather) a family walk last weekend and about 50 steps into it, (50 steps, 100 stops, 12 snacks, 4 melt downs, and 24 water breaks), Mark looked at me and said, "Constant Maintenance". He hit the nail on the head with that one. Someone always needs something. But don't let me steer you wrong here, maintenance isn't necessarily a bad thing. I might even go as far to say it's a pretty good thing. It's my job to serve, and to serve with a joyful heart eve...