Oh Maaaaaaaaaaaan!

I worked really hard on a post tonight. It took almost an hour. I pressed Publish Post and BAM! it's gone. I was sad. mark assured me it was ok to cry. I tried to find it, but only the first couple of sentences remained. I tried to rewrite it but I just wasn't feeling it anymore. So instead I'm here to tell you about another House (almost) Rule.

No microwave.

Mark hasn't used the micro for, well as long as either one of us can remember. Here and there he's said little things to encourage me not to use it either... mainly because of the way it heats food up, and the heating up of plastic stuff, and the actual microwaves it emits. Like the no TV rule, though, it's easy for him to say; he's not heating up 6 cups of milk, warming up cold oatmeal or reheating last nights uneaten dinner all throughout the day.

Ben's need for hot milk in the morning boarders that of a caffeine addict and their morning fix. So getting rid of the "45 seconds to Happy Ben" wan't looking very appealing. BUT trusting, once again, the wisdom of my sweet husband I have made a considerable effort to stop using the micro.

Being the creature of habit that he is, Ben had a difficult time making the switch from micro'd-milk to stove-top-milk. For one, he has to wait about three minutes longer for it. And two, it's a different temperature every time he receives it. I persevered though and now he's fine. And geez, maybe the boy should be making his own hot milk in light of his recent scrabbled egg and coffee accomplishment, no?

So there it is, hardly any TV and little to none microwave.

We are totally hippies.

PS. Just as a teaser, here is the first sentence of the blog that got away...

"I wish my second was my first and that I didn't have my first at all."

Oh so sad that it's gone, GONE!


Candie said…
im so happy to hear that the microwave is no more! im sure it will be a challenging transition for you but when you think about all of the precious nutrients you are retaining in your food it really does make it worth it :) i have found that it also makes me slow down and enjoy the process in things more than just the end result.
Hippo Brigade said…
no microvave!?! How do you reheat your coffee in the morning? That's pretty much the only time I use it. Or to sanitize Hudson's pacifiers. Or to make tea, or when I want left overs... Hum. I guess I use it a lot. Now I have a microwave complex. Thanks a lot Mark and Sarah!
Oh Sarah, a blogging tip: I write all my posts in text edit or whatever word processing application you like, and when I'm done writing it, I'll move it over into my blog. I've lost many a posts because the internet getting wonky. I also save my posts like a crazy person, like every 14 minutes. Maybe that will help?
Enjoy your non radiatated food. Hope it's delicious.
sfitz said…
The re-heating my coffee is an issue, which is why this is an (Almost) Rule, and not an absolute. But I'm trying... maybe if I put drink it out of a thermos it'll stay warmer longer?
Anonymous said…
I"M SAD TOO! I should have loved to have read that blog!! Who cares about your dang microwave! :) lol
Lisa said…
I like the almost no microwave rule! Now I'm going to pay attention to how much I use it. I think only to heat left overs... Put your coffee in a coffee togo mug it will stay hotter longer or just throw some ice in it after a while and have iced coffee!
Julie said…
Kirk hates the microwvae - he heats everything up in the oven or toaster oven...then again he hates leftovers too so there is not a lot of heating up going on in our house. How are you making popcorn for movie night???

Oh - and let's play the 'Guess the Missing Blog Topic' game.

"I wish my second was my first and that I didn't have my first at all."

My guess is your IPHONE!!!!
A. said…
I wish I could be brave enough to ditch mine too! Tim uses it wy less (embarassingly enough). He'll heat soup on the stove and I'll say, "Why didn't you just use the microwave?" Bwahaha! Which, funny enough, when I'M not the one using it I say things like, "You know microwaves kill the good properties -like the antibiotic properties in garlic - in foods. We shouldn't use it." D'oh!
Way to go Sarah!

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