Troy is ONE!

I don't even know what to say about this boy, I love him so much. One year ago today, at 10:25pm, this 8 pound 7 ounce, round faced, big cheeked baby entered our lives. All day today I've been replaying that day over in my mind and often found myself saying out loud, "at this time one year ago I was...". The day I give birth is like no other day I will ever live, no matter how many babies I have. And I think most mothers will say that. I can ask almost any mom the story of their labor and deliveries and with very few exceptions hear down to the tiniest details all of what happened that day for each child.

I remember being at the mall with B & A and my MIL, the evening of my due date, and around 6:30 telling Tina I just didn't feel right. A couple of hours later I called my parents and told them it might be the night but I wasn't 100% sure so if they didn't want to come down I'd understand, I'm glad they came down. I also called Mark around 9ish and told him I was having some contractions but I couldn't promise it was the real deal so if he couldn't get off work I'd understand if stayed a couple more hours, I'm glad he didn't stay a couple more hours. I remember FaceBooking that we were leaving for the hospital around 9:30ish, we stopped at Starbucks on the way. I remember getting to the hospital and feeling really good in between my regular contractions, being able to talk and laugh and breath - all things I wouldn't be able to do a few minutes later. I don't think the nurses thought anything of me at first because I was super calm and in control. Then things changed. Fast. I went from feeling totally in control to totally out of control. I was checked into the hospital at 9:50ish and Troy was born 35 minutes later. That is the Readers Digest version which doesn't include the minute details I also remember. Like trying to put Ben to bed like everything was normal but he could definitely tell something was wrong with me and I felt so bad because I knew I was scaring him a little bit. Or the bluest of blue eyes of Mark's just inches away from me looking so deeply into me assuring me I could do it when I was saying over and over how I couldn't. I also remember looking straight at the doctor on call, whom I'd never met before in my life, and feeling immediately empowered by her just by looking at her calm, steady face... the only face in the room who looked completely at ease. I remember pushing twice and then hearing the sweetest words spoken by Mark... It's a boy.

Troy is my smily boy, that's not news to anyone, his smile is fantasticly delicious. Over the last year he has slept in my room longer, nursed more frequently, smiled earlier, laughed later, woken me up more, cuddled more, napped less, walked better, fallen more, cried less over those falls, been left without me less, and smiled WAY more than his brother or sister did in their first years. He has challenged me physically and mentally. He has charmed just about everyone who knows him. He is determined to eat me out of house and home when he's a teen and he's starting that practice now. He is a bruiser, and bullishly goes about his playing. He loves mud, water, dirt, all things messy. And he loves, loves, LOVES me. And I love him so much too, it makes my heart hurt sometimes.

Happy birthday Troy-boy, (or Troy-the-boy as Addison has taken to calling him). You are my hearts desire for a son and I am giddy with excitement over who the Lord is making you to be.


sfitz said…
I just realized that you can't see Troy's right arm in any of the photos... which is sort of hilarious to me because I think, "what if this is the first time someone happens across my blog and they read it then see the pictures and think to themselves...'Oh how sweet, she has a boy with one arm and she just loves him so much and doesn't even mention it in his birth story.'" Do I have some narcissistic tendencies or what?
Hippo Brigade said…
A year? Really, are you sure that's right Sarah? Wow Troy is getting so big. Such a beautiful tribute to your son. He's a sweetheart, and I daydeam about squeezing his ruddy round cheeks.
Happy day Troy.
Allison said…
That was a wonderful post for your smiley little boy. I have, however, lost some of the warm feeling because your comment is hilarious... I had to go back and look at the pics. So funny - I didn't even notice, I was looking at his handsome face.
Happy Birthday to Troy!
PS my friend had a healthy baby boy yesterday - 8/19 a day to celebrate for sure!
Wendy said…
I did not notice the missing arm either :)
I hope you print that post out and give it to him some day, so he can feel the love you poured into this post! Love you Troy
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the precious post that had me crying...then laughing till I cried at your comment about said post photos of one armed Troy. Oh my sweet, precious, wonderful daughter. I love you.
Anonymous said…
He has SUCH a great smile!! What a deliciously cute nugget you have!! Happy Birthday Troy!!
Can not get over how much our boys look alike...seriously! when I look at him I love him like my own...i'm not kidding. such sweet words about your little man. Can't believe it's been a year. wow! i was feeling your pain as i read because...who would have thought....we would have almost identical labor stories. and then truly laughed OUT LOUD when i read your comment! you crack me up and i love that your my friend who i can always count on to laugh with...a good belly laugh. love you and miss you! Happy b-day troy!
Candie said…
THE RIGHT ARM THING KILLED ME! it really is creepy when you go back and look. lol....
fabulous precious blog but no doubt the lack of a right arm stole the show ;)

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