Feed Me!

Is it wrong that along side of the death and resurection of my Savior I secretly celebrate THESE on Easter?

And my dreams would come true if the Easter Bunny showed up with THIS?


Wendy said…
I hate those things... Julie likes them though. If I get any for Easter, I will bring them right over to you!
Candie said…
ooh they are so good! as are the little cadbury speckled eggs... yum. i celebrate along side you. i wonder if they freeze well?
Lolly Caruana said…
barf. sorry friend...i can't get into the creme. but hook me up w/ some carmel n chocolate and i'm happy!
Lauren said…
You and me both! I even indulge in the less popular peeps as well--love the easter candy!
Julie Snell said…
I am with you missy! I love em eggs!

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