It Just Keeps Getting Better!

My love and adoration for Trader Joe's is old news, but THIS IS NEW! Well, new to me, I'm sure it's been around for a long time, but I didn't know about it until just now. Trader Joe's has a cooking website and blog using only trader Joe's ingredients. How cool is that? Every now and then I'll get home from a trip to TJ's and find myself with a bag full of stuff that sounded good in the store but actually amounts to nothing once I'm home. This website will be perfect for those times because I'll be able to look up the ingredients and find a recipe for it. Wonderful!

Thanks, Trader Joe's. You've warmed my heart yet again.


Candie said…
so flippin cool! thanks for sharing this :)
hippo brigade said…
There's also a book!
But the website is better because it's free-er.
Anonymous said…
I love that you share this info. it's very helpful in times of need!!
Lisa Gomez said…
Anonymous is me!! I don't know what happened!

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