A Taste of Troy

Troy is feeling better and back to his adorable self, yay!! I've been trying to get his oh-so-cute voice on video... these aren't the best, but they are a hint of his adorableness, just a hint. To get a chance to take Troy in in all his glory is one you should not pass up. He's hilarious, (as most 18month olds are) and he warms my heart to no end. Now that he's fun again I like to tell him he's back to being my favorite and if there's an earthquake I'd choose him. What? Don't tell me you don't think about which kid you'd save in an emergency!


Lolly Caruana said…
i can see why my dad latched on to this cutie-boy. he is scrumptious! tell him mrs. caruana is sending him kisses and squeezes from indiana (not that he'd actually let me hug and kiss him if i were there...but u know, if he were mine, his cheeks would be in big trouble!)
Wendy said…
Cute videos, but you are right... they do not show the true cuteness that is Troy the Boy. Although, Lolly, the cuteness that is Troy is a lot like the cuteness that is Caleb :) So I am sure you get more than a taste of squishyness with that kiddo. :)
It is ok that you pick Troy! I will run over and get Addie, Mark can grab Mia in one arm and Ben in the other :)
Anonymous said…
Oh I love that kid of yours! My favorite things about Troy are 1. his love for food 2. his little raspy voice 3. how cute he looked after his nap today and 4. how he can take a fall. I seriously see the makings of a stunt man.
Kelly said…
I am so honored to get to spend time with this little guy...he is so stinking cute...how can you not smile :)
Jessica said…
I have to agree with Mariah...his little raspy voice is just precious. It makes me smile. I love how he says Mia's name too!

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