I asked Mark the other day if he saw a woman pushing a stroller and trying to open a door to a Starbucks, or what have you, would he get up and open the door for her? He said he absolutely would if he actually saw her. He admitted that sometimes he is so lost in thought (which comes with carrying the weight of four tiny worlds on your shoulders) that he can be looking right at someone and not even really see them. So I encouraged him to be that guy, that guy who opens the door. No matter how busy or pensive or sidetracked he might be - be that guy that is looking for a damsel in distress. Because I am frequently that damsel. And sometimes people help me and sometimes they don't but it really saddens me when I have the Tiny One strapped to me, Tman in a stroller, Addie by one hand and Ben running around somewhere and I'm obviously trying my best to get us all inside and there are men all over the place just looking at me. Probably thanking something somewhere that I am not their wife, but that's besides the point. The point is, all you men out there who are reading this blog (ha), be that guy who is looking for a lady to help, even if she has her hands free and she seems fully capable of opening the door herself. I am a hopeless romantic and I refuse to believe that chivalry is dead. And women... be thankful. Don't be all -"WOMANS RIGHTS! YOU THINK CUZ I GOT DIFFERENT PARTS THAN YOU THAT I CAN'T OPEN A DOOR??" And also don't get all worried that he is trying to schmooze you into giving him your number, heaven forbid you get hit on, right? Just say thank you, and mean it, and move on.

That's all. Happy weekend!


Unknown said…
think it's nice when people open the door for me...I think it's important to be "that girl" too. It's great when guys do it but If we see someone in need we (women) should open doors too. I'm all for chivalry and that was one of my tests for guys i dated...they needed to open my door and walk on the out side on the side walk then I knew they had some class. :)
Julie Snell said…
Love it Sarah! I like mya's comment too about the ladies being there for our fellow gals!
sfitz said…
Excellent point, Mariah... YES! Let us also be women who look out for other women. Thanks for putting that in there as well.
Wendy said…
I married "that man"! David had to teach me to be a woman who could be with "that man"... to wait to have him open the door for me was a huge thing I had to learn when we were dating. :)
Thanks Ann and April and Lolly for bringing David up right!

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