Well Dang

I boiled a cat's head.

 It was an accident, I swear, I didn't mean to! I thought it was a rabbit's head, which in my mind somehow makes it okay. But boiling a cat's head is NOT okay.

 My son made me do it?

 I mean, My son made me do it!

 We were at our favorite park which has a little creek running through it and sometimes when I'm feeling kind of cool, I'll let the kids walk down near the creek. Every now and then, when I'm feeling really cool, I'll let my kids walk in the creek. But yesterday I must've been feeling like Ultimate Cool Mom because when Ben found a skeleton head of a "rabbit" it was MY idea to bring it home.

 ---There goes my "my son made me do it" defense---

 I had visions of playing the paleontologist I had once longed to be (that's not true) with my kids as we uncovered the truth about this poor little dead rodent. Then we uncovered that it wasn't a rodent. After three hours of boiling the little guy it dawned on me that he didn't have two long front teeth characteristic of a rabbit. In fact, he had two sharp, fang teeth. More characteristic of


 of a

 of a cat.


 There is something SO WRONG about boiling the head of a cat! Bunny Foo Foo is one thing, but Fluffy? Aren't there cults based on cat boilings? I'm so grossed out! Ben thinks it's awesome, of course.  I have a feeling all the people who followed this little calamity on facebook will not let me live this down any time soon. I've already had someone suggest buying this for me for Christmas...

So there's a story for the generations. Surely there's a Biblical truth hidden in this gem of a tale somewhere but I'm going to need some time to tease it out. Right now I need to burn the tongs and scrub brush and throw the pot I used away - immediately. 


Wendy said…
Might be my favorite blog post of all time... For real! You are awesome Sarah. And I love that from this day forward you will totally be gifted things centered around cats!
Allison said…
You have earned your name as "The Cat Lady." There has to be one in every neighborhood. But, usually, they just have a bunch of cats that they adore while you boiled one of their heads. This will be a favorite story of your kids for all time (there have to be a few of those as well) and that is something to be really happy about. And, me? Well, I have loved watching this all unfold. Thanks for making a mundane Monday more fun!
Meg said…
Can I have it for Aunt Maureen? Long story short, after giving her a few gifts that were "catty" ie: mugs, clock, etc., she told me to STOP giving her "dead cat things". She reasoned that "you love penguins, but can't own a penguin!! I HAVE a cat!" Only made me buy every cat thing I could find ever since!! This would really be the topper :)

I think Cool Mom might still apply- it WAS dead and this was science!
danp said…
I can't type the words for the tears in my eyes
Hippo Brigade said…
This blog post has made me reevaluate our friendship.
Judy Prince said…
Oh the places you'll go.....

I can't wait to share THIS amazing tale with my co-workers because if they don't think you are crazy already... they will now. This is the funniest thing EVER. It should be in a book. I can't believe you picked up and brought home and BOILED a cat's head in your kitchen, in a pot you cook in with your children watching. This is just far out, dude. bahh bahh bahhhhhhhh
Julie Snell said…
Sarah - don't worry. I did not share this post with O'Reilly. I have to know the follow up...did he bring it to school? Are they now evaluating Ben's "home-life" because of it ;) xoxo
Anonymous said…
I'm not a fan of cats and it was already dead so really it was an honest mistake? That's totally something my mom would have let us do when I was a kid. We never did boil an animals head but she would have let us if we wanted to... My question is how did you bring it home? Was it in a bag? Did Ben just hold it??
Anonymous said…
For a min. there i thought I was a robot because this thing was not letting me post a comment!!

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