On the Eve of my Due Date, the REAL Due Date

Tomorrow is my actual due date. The real one. The one that's been looming in my head for the last 9 months. June 27th. I never imagined I would be sitting here, on my couch, without a newborn keeping me company right now. Then again, I never imagined having a newborn again period, so I guess this is really par for the course.

Saturday, halfway through church, I started counting my contractions and thought FOR SURE it was the real deal. We even left in the middle of Pastor Mike's closing prayer. My parents grabbed their still-cooking dinner and drove down. My in-laws, who had Ben with them, left their dinner/swim party and drove down. They were ready! The kids were ready! Mark and I were ready!

The baby was not ready.

"You'll be back in a couple of hours" the nurses sweetly reassured me.

A full four days later, I'm sitting here, sans tiny newborn.

 It's kind of comical because I was so absolutely sure I'd deliver early. I even joked with friends about how "funny" it would be if I go overdue with this baby. Ha. SOOOOOOOO funny. But all in all, I'm incredibly thankful for the fantastic pregnancy I've had. I'm floored that God would even consider me worthy to carry, and prayerfully raise, another child. What in the world?? It's crazy, people, crazy I telly you!!

To my 6th child, again: You're awesome, I can tell. You showed up unexpected, which is my kind of friend. You move around like it's your job, jabbing me with your heal, your elbow, your knee . . . while very reassuring that you're growing strong and healthy it's probably my least favorite thing about you because IT HURTS. You had me thinking for 8 months that you were a girl, but this last month changed my mind and now I'm fairly certain you're a boy because my stomach looks like I swallowed a basketball and I haven't had to eat my weight in TUMS like I did with the girls. So come out and meet us, little one. Tomorrow would be fun, your due date. One of your sisters and one of your brothers were also born on their due dates, so that'd be a fun little fact. But seriously, whenever... just know you're welcome anytime.

Lots of people have been telling me their sure fire ways of inducing labor, which is always fun to hear. But at this point, does it really matter if I've walked around the block 10 times alternating between squats and jumping jacks or eaten banana splits every other hour sitting backwards on a swing? I think I should just lay in bed all day and when it happens it happens. Who wants to be all sweaty and stuffed with bananas when labor hits? No thanks. Fluff my pillow and bring some cucumbers for my eyes, please and thank you.


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