Real Quick...

I may have mentioned this before, but I need to jot it down again for myself....

One of my favorite times of the day is just after the kids are down for the night and I go around and collect all the toys Ben missed during his clean-up/play with all the toys you've brought out during the day time. I love these few moments for three reasons:

1.)It's so quiet. Not a lonely quiet, a peaceful quiet.
2.) It reminds me of how much fun Ben's life is and how much fun my life is because of him.
3.) It's evidence that I have kids. Little bits of proof that Mark and I have been blessed in a way that many people long for.

I might complain about vacuuming (nothing has changed, mom) and mopping, but picking up toys - I think - will always be done with a little smile on my face. That's all. Just want to remember this.


Anonymous said…
"If you're cold, VACUUM!" That's what I always say :-)
Anonymous said…
Picking up toys is one of my favorites, too. One of my favorites with Michael is combing his hair. Little things like that are the best. I keep telling Michael to slow down his growing up. He just looks at me confused, but he'll understand when he has young ones of his own. It was great seeing the kids on the computer. Tell them to slow their growing up :) Love, Amy A.
Darren Prince said…
wow, I am SO not into picking up toys after bedtime . . . : )

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