Flu Shmu
I'm tired of all this flu talk. It's hyped, it's drawn out, it's built up it's overdone, it's everywhere, it's disgusting. People are marketing their stuff now with little stickers that say things like, "HELPS PREVENT FLU" or "BUILDS IMMUNE SYSTEM TO FIGHT OFF FLU". It's marketing at it's sickest, no pun intended. Blah! I'm so over it! Am I going to get the flu shot? No. Do I know why? No. I really don't. For every 100 doctors that insist I must there are 100 doctors that insist I mustn't. There are articles and emails and YouTube clips and News clips and flyers and mailers and call-waiting messages... There is too much information for me to make an informative decision!! I've asked friends, doctors, Facebook, THE LORD, and I still have no idea what to do. Shot or no shot?... that is the question. I'm leaning towards no shot. Why? Because I hate shots. That's the best reason I can give. Because if I say, "I don't trust the government enough to take a vaccine I don't know anything about." then I'm a skeptic. If I say it's because I wonder who is behind the ONE company that is paying for this vaccine, then I'm a conspiracy theorist. If I won't take it because I think, and I'm going to try and say this with much respect and compassion, that those who have died from N1H1 also had pre-existing issues then I'm justifying death. If I decline the shots because I've never gotten a flu shot and think why should I start now? then I'm ignorant. So I really have no good answer for why I'm not going to. And I'm sorry if that is outrageous to you. I am an outrageous person I guess. I let my kids play in mud pits on a regular basis and I don't find out the sex of my babies before they're born, so yes, I do some outrageous things. Do I think I won't get it? No, I'm not stupid, I realize I have just as good a chance as anyone else of getting either one of the flu's. Do I think I will die if I do catch the swine flu? My chances are higher of dying in a car crash today on my way to pick up Ben from school, but you don't see me staying out of the car. If all the people who are so adamant about getting the vaccine would be as adamant about not smoking or eating healthy or getting mammograms then maaaaaaaaybe I'd be a little more inclined to support this movement. But that's that friends. Let the madness end people!
**Not trying to stir up people or anything. Just saying what I'm thinking because that's why I have a blog. I might change my mind tomorrow on this topic and I reserve the right to do so. :-)
**Not trying to stir up people or anything. Just saying what I'm thinking because that's why I have a blog. I might change my mind tomorrow on this topic and I reserve the right to do so. :-)
(I didn't get a flu shot either, and the US Dept. of Health can bite me.)
And who the heck is Synaura?? Another Spam?? NO BUENO!