Battle Between Good and Evil

Let's start with Halloween.

I'm not a fan. That shouldn't shock anyone. I was raised to not be a fan. My family was the family that handed out tracks. We did the harvest carnivals at churches and avoided all things evil. I was baaaaaaaaarely allowed to dress up for the parades in Elementary School. I think I was a Crayola Crayon one year, and Little Bo Peep. I trick-or-treated at four or five houses, and those were the four or five houses where our friends lived. So this battle has been going on for decades. (I can say decades because I'm 30 now).

Halloween has never reared it's ugly head so much as it has this year because this year I have a kid that is old enough to see, and be drawn to, the evil side of Halloween. Up until now it's just been a slightly silly day where my kids wear the costumes they wear out of the house on a regular basis anyway, except they get candy for it. No biggy. But this year something happened in the big kid. He notices the evil all around. He is drawn to the skeletons, the scary jack-o-lanters, the hideous "decorations" that marketing strategist everywhere have beautifully conned us into thinking we need to buy. He points out and laughs and wants to take closer looks at all the haunted, spooky stuff up in every store, around every neighborhood. He is figuring out what good and evil is, and I want him to want good.

So there's my battle. Do we participate? If so, to what degree? Do we allow dressing up at all? Do we say it's ok to trick-or-treat but only to a couple house? Do we blackout our windows and pretend we're not home? What stance do we take? 364 days a year we say to not conform to the patterns of this world, so is it ok on this one day to ignore this?

I've been thinking, praying, discussing this topic with the Lord and good friends, and of course Mark, over the last couple of weeks. I think I know what to do, and the answer surprised me. Here's what we're doing, and why.

Because we, as a family, have been trying (baby-stepping) to live like missionaries, because that's what we are folks, I think it would defeat the purpose of being a light in the darkness if we were to hole up and avoid the holiday like the plague. How does that share Christ with anyone? Likewise, I think going to a church carnival also defeats the purpose. Why? Because if I'm there, then I can't be here, in my neighborhood, seeing and meeting the neighbors I've tried for four months now to get some face time with.

So here's the plan... we're setting up a little table outside, with apple cider and goodies, and with a prayerful heart we will seize this chance to meet people, believers and non, that live all around us. I want them to see me, and recognize my face the next time we're out and about and remember that we had joy, we had laughter, we had light. I want all the lights on in my house. I want yummy snacks so people will linger for a bit. I want Jesus' name to be on my lips. Because this is the one night, the ONE night of the year that my neighbors are coming out from behind their shut garage doors and THEY are coming to ME! Ha! Take that, evil one!

All are welcome to come on over and hang with us Sunday night. The more the merrier!

I might even hand out some tracks. :-)


Wendy said…
great approach... I love that you are getting your "face time" with this holiday. Hopefully we will come by to share in the Joy of the night. :)
Julie Snell said…
I say hand out tracks and tooth brushes :) I never bought into the scray/evil side of halloween, but maybe that was because little girls are not as naturally intrigued by scary stuff. Not sure. but I was just all about the candy!!!
Lolly Caruana said…
let your light shine, baby!!! and we'll be shining here, too!!!
Love you!
Anonymous said…
Love it Sarah! Great solution! Dad
Anonymous said…
This is so, so beautiful, Sarah. I love how intentionally you are living out your Faith.

I was literally moved to tears.
Unknown said…
I just wrote a comment on a friends fb page that I was raised passing out tracks (i didn't think other kids did that too)!! I think there is such a fine line between being in the world and not of it. How fun that you'll finally get to meet some of your neighbors!
Unknown said…
oooo I love this idea! I'm just wondering, do you have neighbors or visitors dressed up scary? How does that affect your kids? It bothers me when I open up my door to trick or treaters and they are dressed so scary my children run away. you know? I try to prep them, but it doesn't really work. ?? I like the idea though, of getting OUT of your house and into the neighborhood and using is as an opportunity to get to know and see your neighbors. This is one of the reasons we are often in our front yard playing ... we like to be out and to see our neighbors and wave and the kids ride bikes together, etc. It's a fair amount of work keeping the kids out of the street and keeping my eye on them (the backyard would be easier) but we do get a lot of interaction with our neighbors this way. :)

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