Here she is!!
February 1 (Her due date, of course, silly little girl.)
3:00AM - Wake up with strong contractions, 5 minutes apart. Ain't no messing around this time, it's for REAL.
3:20 - wake up Mark, call doctor.
4:00 - call both sets of parents, all are on their way.
4:46 - my mom and dad arrive, we leave for the hospital leaving my dad behind to stay with Ben.
5:00 - arrive at hospital, get check out, I'm 5 centimeters dilated.
~ sometime in here Mark's mom arrives, she made very good time coming from Simi Valley. ~
5:45 - HALLELUJAH my epidural arrives.
6:18 - water breaks while talking on the phone to my brother Jason. It was the funniest thing.
That's what I'm talking about folks, a less than 4 hour labor and delivery. (Of course I say that but then I'm kindly reminded of the weeks of contractions I had, so really my labor was three weeks long, but who's counting. :) ) There's the low down. More thoughts to come...
I hope you are getting rest, I am dying to see more pictures.
Love ya