Let it be known that on this day, December 10, 2009, Ben saw this car and (quoting here) said, "Mom, I LOVE this car. I have to have one just like it someday. I need to get a job so I can get some money so I can buy one just like it when I'm bigger. OR, wait I know, I can save all my Poopie-Doopie money (money he receives in a monthly card from Gma) and maybe I'll have enough money to buy one when I'm bigger. Take my picture Mom." I have never seen him react to a car like he did today. The owner was right there and spent quite a few minutes indulging Ben by showing him around the car and listening to him go on and on about it. "Wow, this is really cool" "I bet it's really fun to drive. Is it really fun to drive?" "It fits nicely in this parking space." "Red is my favorite color. Is red your favorite color?" "So, you really like this car don't you?" (I think the man started thinking Ben was going to ask for ...