No Pictures, Please
Addison has been perfecting her "talk to the hand" pose for quite some time now. The girl was just not cut out to take a good picture. I am praying that my memory of her adorable dimples and toothy grin holds steadfast as I am sure that is all I will have as evidence that she really did smile during her third* year of life.

* (She will be turning three in February, so she's been alive almost three years, this being her third year of life. I'm explaining this only because it's a difficult number problem for me - and probably - me alone.)
* (She will be turning three in February, so she's been alive almost three years, this being her third year of life. I'm explaining this only because it's a difficult number problem for me - and probably - me alone.)
Troy seems to make up for the lack of addie smiles.
ps. I MISS you Sarah! xoxo