O Blogger Sarah, Blogger Sarah, wherefore art thou Blogger Sarah?
Deny thy children and refuse thy wifely duties;
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my creativity
And I'll no longer be a blah person.

I'm feeling uncreative lately. Probably pretty obvious by the lack of actual writing on my blog. But pictures are nice, no? Well, I'm a writer - or so I like to pretend- and I miss writing. But every time I sit down and start to type paragraph ends up looking like this:

"Blah blah blah, blankity blank blah, tired, yada yada yada, busy, blah blah kids, wha blah wha wha, crazy."

And who wants to read that? You? Really? Hmm. In that case, oh devoted reader that you are, here is a writing exercise to help get my writing juices flowing again. I will write whatever comes to mind with no thought to rhythm, grammar (as if I put a lot of thought into that anyway, am I right Wendy?), or cohesiveness. Ready? Here we go...

"Blah blah blah, blankity blank blah, tired, yada yada yada, busy, blah blah kids, wha blah wha wha, crazy."


Here's the thing, there is a lot going on in my mind. But I feel like I only have bits and pieces of the complete picture. There are a lot of really great things happening all around me, but I don't feel equipped enough to share about them all. I know there are a few things that have become really important to me, things God is teaching me, lessons I'm learning, but am I doing anyone a favor by writing about them? I think I need to take a step back and figure out - is this the place to lay it all out and figure stuff out before the entire world wide web? Or should i stick to the adorable pics of my little loves and keep this a simple place to visit when family and friends need a quick Mia fix? Dilemmas, dilemmas.


Wendy said…
Mia fixes are fine by me :)
And I will forgive any grammar, it is your blog, I guess.
I am not one who will be bugged by the lack of blog, since I get to see and talk to you often and get to hear 1st hand all you are learing, hearing etc. But pictures are always fun to get me through a tough work day :)
The Brooner's said…
I started mine mostly for family and then found out you can print it as a book. So I am now keeping it as a year by year book for Bridget since I am so bad with printing out pictures anymore. Thats why most of my pics are of B. No pressure on the blog front, just do what makes you happy.
Judy Prince said…
I enjoy hearing about you - what's important to you - what blessing you have received through lessons you are learning - etc., by reading your blog because (usually) when we are together we are so BUSY yada yada and TIRED blah blah and CRAZY wha wha, I don't really have a chance to hear about what's going on with you.... so reading your blog sometimes is the only insight to you that I get to "see." Maybe you could just shoot me an email or something?? The pictures are always beautiful/funny/sweet/creative and I love seeing them, too.
Lolly Caruana said…
you are loved, prayed for, missed. i understand this dilema. not sure that i have any good answer for you. i love reading what God is teaching you, what you're thinking about, because, like you're mom, there isn't much other opportunity to see into your world, but i can't complain that you just don't have the energy to pour into your writing when i TOTALLY get why it's just not happening on SO many levels. just know this, i love you and care about what's going on in your life, whether or not you thrill me with a new post every week. may Jesus grant you wisdom to train your kids and strengthen you with His love, filling you so that you will overflow His love into those He brings to you.

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