Well Worth It

Going against my personal vow not to buy the kids anymore unnecessary stuff until Christmas I purchased these two items today...

They are phenomenal.

Writing that little post about the things my parents did to infuse Jesus into my life growing up I remembered learning at least 100 bible verses, maybe more, from a great little tape called GT and the Halo Express. Every song on the tape (tape... ha!) was straight scripture. Even now I can recall those verses (ablbeit with a silly song in my head) because using song as a way to memorize is a great tool. So when I heard about this little gem (it's actually gems, there are three other CD's I want to buy... maybe for Christmas ;-)), Seeds of Purpose, I figured it'd be money well spent. Oh and the REAL treasure about these CD's is they come with TWO dics - one to keep and one to "sow". Get it? Seeds? So cute.

My ABC Bible Verses has been recommend over and over from moms at my church because it's a really simple, age appropriate way to do devotionals with preschoolers who are learning the alphabet. Short, cute, educational, biblical fun - me likey.


A. said…
We have the ABC bible verses and my kids ask me to read it over and over again. Gotta love that!

I'll definitly have to check out your other found gems! Thanks for sharing. :)
Jessica said…
I have an amazon gift card to spend and I think I found what I am going to get! Thank you!
Allison said…
Hmmmm... thanks for sharing. :)

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