Moral Dilemma
(This blog, in general and unintentionally, has a target audience of moms, sorry if you're sick of mom/kid stuff, but such is my stage of life...)
Nearly every time I take my children anywhere that requires the use of a shopping cart I am forced at the end of my trip to make a choice: Abandon my three children and return the shopping cart to the designated corral, or leave my cart by my car insuring the safety of my children but feeling like a inconsiderate slacker who doesn't return shopping carts properly.
I know, I know, this is so lame that I even think about such tiny little details in my life! Here's why I do... I'm daily trying to teach my kids, If you take something out, put it away. If you borrow something, give it back. If you made a mess clean it up. If you can help make someone's job easier by say, throwing your trash away, carrying your tray to the tray place, PUTTING YOUR SHOPPING CART IN THE SHOPPING CART STATION, then do it.
So everyday in the parking lot of Targets, Costcos and my Happy Places everywhere, I am plagued by this decision. Safety? (God doesn't want us to live in fear) or helpfulness? (God wants us to protect our children).
I think too much.
Nearly every time I take my children anywhere that requires the use of a shopping cart I am forced at the end of my trip to make a choice: Abandon my three children and return the shopping cart to the designated corral, or leave my cart by my car insuring the safety of my children but feeling like a inconsiderate slacker who doesn't return shopping carts properly.
I know, I know, this is so lame that I even think about such tiny little details in my life! Here's why I do... I'm daily trying to teach my kids, If you take something out, put it away. If you borrow something, give it back. If you made a mess clean it up. If you can help make someone's job easier by say, throwing your trash away, carrying your tray to the tray place, PUTTING YOUR SHOPPING CART IN THE SHOPPING CART STATION, then do it.
So everyday in the parking lot of Targets, Costcos and my Happy Places everywhere, I am plagued by this decision. Safety? (God doesn't want us to live in fear) or helpfulness? (God wants us to protect our children).
I think too much.