
* the spell check seems to not be working, and ya'll know how desperately I rely on that... so sorry about any and all mispellings*

So thankful for...
~ a very nice last day of MOPS.
~ the opportuntiy to volunteer in Ben's mops childcare room on Friday (he wasn't there, I was just helping out). I got to see what he does for the two and a half hours he's in there each week. It's much more than one big play session! I was so impressed with all the activities and evertyhing. We are very blessed to have great ladies working in his room.
~ time with Leslie after WEEKS of schedualing and re-schedualing playdates.
~ our health at this moment is very good.
~ Mark staying home with Ben so I could run a few errands this afternoon.
~ ONLINE SHOPPING! I did most of my Christmas shopping on-line this year and let me tell you it was WONDERFUL! Most sites have free shipping deals right now, so it actually SAVED me money (and sanity) to buy it all that way. I love it.
~ three nights of Caruanas!
~ getting Ben to bed at his normal bedtime tonight.
~ spending timw with Steve and Barabra last night, it had been too long.
~ Carrie's mom, brother and sis-in-law becoming nurses. I'm thankful for it becuase I've seen/heard of this process since they started and I'm just really happy for them becuase I know it's something they've all three worked really hard and sacraficially for.
~ Ali passing her c-set test to become a teacher!
~ getting some Christmas decorations up in the house tonight. And having Ben put the star on the tree, it was really cute.
~ my parent's stopping by since they were so close to my house. Always nice to see them and having Ben go crazy when they get here is always funny.
~ having a small chat with my sis... Amy who is so sweet, so patient, so understanding of her flaky sis...(me) and also so pregnant.
~ short line at the post office and the nice worker man who helped me.


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