Not Good, Good, GREAT!

That was the progression of my day. But first, I'm back to Blogger (obviously) and I'm hoping the change is a good one. Hang in there while I figure everything out on here, it's been awhile. I'm not sure you can go back to fitzlife, but if you have a free night and you're super bored you can go back to 2005 when I started this blog and read all about our family 'til your heart's content.

Today started out not so good. I took Addison to the doctor and found out she has horrible ear infections in both ears. I feel incredibly guilty (which is not my forte) because I probably should've taken her two days ago when she first started complaining about the pain in her ear. Instead I thought I'd wait it out and see if it got worse. Why I made that decision, I have no idea. It did, indeed, get worse and now I feel SO bad for waiting to get her treated. The nurse practitioner showed me Addison's ear drum and I literally started crying right there in the office, it was awful looking. None of my kids have ever had an ear infection so I wasn't really prepared. She's on an antibiotic now and I'm praying that tomorrow will bring about a new Addie girl, bless her little heart.

I found her just like this on her chair, she was totally asleep.

Then on the way to the doctor's looking so sad and sick.

On to the good and great parts of the day!

Today we picked up our first CSA basket of veggies and fruit.

My goal for tomorrow is to figure out what exactly Tatsoi, Kale, , Chard, and Kohlrabi are and what exactly am I supposed to do with them. The entire basket contains Rapini, Tatsoi, Kale, Broccoli, Chard, Carrots, Beets, Celery, Cauliflower, Parsley, Kohlrabi, Pesticide Free Navel Oranges, Cabbage, Green Leaf Lettuce, Fuji Apples, Potato, Valencia Oranges, Green Onion, and Pears. And I'm sure most of you are wondering how on earth is Sarah going to eat anything other than the fruit and maybe the carrots and cauliflower? Well, my friends, I am wondering the same thing. But I am committed to trying everything a few times, maybe prepared different ways. Except for the green onions, because no matter which way you prepare them they're still nasty. I'm pretty excited about this CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and I'm really grateful we have the means to be apart of it at this time. One, maybe surprising, fact about Mark is that he's pretty passionate about eating raw and organically. This big ol' basket of healthy goodness to him is like a big ol' mug of unhealthy wrongness (read: ice cream) is to me.

Does anybody know what this is?? And how does one go about eating such an item?

This is a lot of leafy green vegetables! Just looking at them makes me feel healthier. :-) If only it were that easy. It's times like these when I wish my sis-in-law Pam lived next door because she'd be over here telling me what everything is and how to cook it all. (Here's a secret: I used to think Pam and Darren were a little hippyish when they were living in San Fran and they had a CSA box of veggies and fruit. I probably rolled my eyes a couple of times at the weird food they had laying around. Ha! Look at me now! Sorry guys!)

The last thing about to day that was GREAT was M got a new car! Yippee! We've been a one vehicle family since the end of July, maybe the beginning of August, I can't remember. It really wasn't that bad. There were only a few times we had scheduling conflicts but they always worked just fine. The only thing that was a bit hard was M having the car while he was at work, leaving me house bound with the kids all afternoon. And if you (speaking to moms here) are anything like me, you know the afternoons are most often the most difficult time of the day with kids. It's the time after naps and before dinner that I find myself needing to get out the most. I just ended up walking to parks more, imagine that, instead of driving somewhere with them. I'm really happy about his car and I know he certainly is too. I'll post pictures and specs later, I want him to be the one to show it off first. I will tell you this much, it has a seat cooling capability. And I'll just stop there because really, how much more do you need to know?

Lot's going on here, so I'll be sure to post more often now that it'll take me less time. I shouldn't say that because then I'm going to get threatening emails from people when I don't update enough. (Threatening, yet sent with love.) :-)

Here's a little clip of Her Cuteness, sorry you have to listen to me sing too, it was the only way I could get her to sing along.


Lolly Caruana said…
yea! I was looking on local CSA in my area yesterday!!! I'll look forward to hearing how you like your experience. ours will be a little different since, well, there aren't too many produce items at our local farm right now. :) but they get stuff from organic farms and the like and i'm looking forward to it. oh, and i'm so sorry to hear about addies ears. :o poor poor baby. ouch. i'm glad she's got an antibiotic to fight it. if she starts having tummy troubles, give her lots of yogurt w/ the live cultures and it should help her out. I hope you guys have a completely great day today! So glad to get the update, darling friend! :) and yea for m's new wheels. so fortunate you are. love you!
Anonymous said…
Thanks Sara for including me! I loved reading about the "mystery veggies". You make me laugh!:) I expect the whole Fitz Family to be "GLOWING" the next time I see this healthy group. By the way, don't beat yourself up over Sweetpea's ears. Those myths about Moms having ESP about parts inside the body are just for fairytales. Take it from a mother whose 5 year old son complaining once or twice about a sore tooth noticed him one morning a month later with a lopsided face. Oh my poor David! However, you may find Addies ears will be her weakness. So glad you won't be stranded, Yea Mark!...and God!!!! Love you, Ann Wilson
Anonymous said…
Sarah...I know what some of the those leafy salad greens are b/c we use them in our spring mix for a few of our salads at CPK. As for far as I know, that is primarily used as a throw away garnish on my opinion to make portions look bigger with cheap items that only my grandmother likes to eat :) I am sure with your skills in the kitchen you will be able to make all of those veggies super yummy...except the green onions...amen on that sister!
Anonymous said…
I think its fennel.

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