Dear Violet,

I feel your pain.



Anonymous said…
That is probably one of the saddest pictures I have ever seen!
Carrie P said…
oh man...i'm first inclined to laugh...but then the reality of it makes me feel inside as Troy looks on the outside...yes, we know how that feels. life is rough right now...poor violet has had another tough day and is now waking at night :( ...and I saw one of her top teeth coming through today and she has a HORRIBLE diaper need a cocktail. or maybe she does...
Wendy said…
Oh poor t man! This picture pains me... I will just focus on my newest cutest picture of him I have now :) XOXO
Lolly Caruana said…
I'm so sorry. That picture, though, could be on greeting cards. Seriously hilarious. And so are you. Keep laughing. As my mom always says, "this too, shall pass." Love you all. And Jesus, please heal Troy-boy.
Jessica said…
this breaks my heart.
Amy said…
bless ya'lls hearts! :( I so wish I could hold him! Love ya'll!

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