Check This Out!

My friend, from like elementary school, is one of the most Raw, Real food cookers, bakers and eaters out there. I'm guessing she has been asked "How do you do it?!?" more than once, so she finally started a blog. Susie, (Susan? I don't know what grown ups call her) has skills in the kitchen and makes almost everything (even her own jello and ginger ale) from scratch using as pure to the earth ingredients she can find. Her blog is awesome because a) She doesn't claim to know it all, or be the best, or have all the answers or that she's %100 right all the time. b) She has really good, practical ideas. c). She has put her time in reading and researching raw and real foods, so I trust her. And d). She's a money saver with the best of us, so I know that when she talks about a product she has looked around to make sure she's getting a good price. She also loves the Lord, loves her husband, loves her kids (and loves Fair Trade), so she has her priorities straight too. If eating organically, raw or fair interests you at all check out her blog One Mother's Kitchen.


Wendy said…
I would love the Pears I think... so funny though, the 1st blog of her's that I read has the words... "Oh and the glorious banana..." Not a phrase that would ever come out of my mouth :P
Joanna Reynolds said…
Good info...going to look at that blog. Really trying to seek out the way that that Lord wants me to eat and make some changes.
sfitz said…
Joanna, have you heard of the book The Maker's Diet? You might want to check it out...
sfitz said…
Oh and Wendy, I was hoping you wouldn't catch that banana part. :-)
Thanks for the encouragement, Sarah! It's been way more fun doing this than I thought it would be. And now that I have a blog, I've already been way better at reading everybody else's. Love your post about Martha. What I've always thought but never said outloud.

Oh, and I tried the "Susan" thing fresh out of highschool, but it was just weird. I'm still Susie, or Sooz. =)
Joanna Reynolds said…
Thanks Sarah...I have a whole list of books that I need to read now about how to change my eating habits. I feel a little overwhelmed at the moment. But I'm really excited about your friends blog. I need to see real practical things that I can to to start implementing those changes.
Candie said…
love Love LOVE!!! im so gonna be all over that blog :)
thanks for posting!

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