As Promised...

Sorry I'm in so many of these pictures. I know you don't come on here hoping to see pictures of me. But, in the words of Addison, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit!" These pictures, while ubber adorable, accentuate the looooongness of my neck. Is that something I should be proud of? In some cultures really long necks are highly desirable. I would do really well Burma.

Happy Tuesday!


Noblekain said…
Yes@! As a guy, I can vouch for it, and say that long necks are tasty nice! (and not in the creepy 'Twilight' way)

You guys are so fun, and it IS nice to see you in pics sometimes.

My favorite however, is of Troy... with his chest all puffed up! Super cute.

(Incidentally, my favorite of Addie is actually from Ben's pics with him... so much personality!)
Anonymous said…
What....a princess party and we weren't notified?? Not fair!! Very cute pics and so fun catching up with you today, friend!! Love you!! Taylore :)
sfitz said…
TAY!!! Don't you worry one little bit, it was a princess party for a friend, we were merely guests, otherwise you ABSOLUTELY would've been notified!!
Wendy said…
Love them all. And I love that you are in so many :)
Mia is quickly becoming your cutest kid. Maybe it is just the age, but she is just so pretty and squishy. Although, she has nothing on the other kids personalities! Each of your nuggets are soooo special and unique. Love them all!

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