Ben's Pics

Ben asks to use my camera almost daily. He takes pictures of all his favorite things, sometimes many, MANY pictures of his favorite things. (One time I got my camera back and there fore 42 pictures of his army guys.) Here are some samplings...

Mia holding his finger...

Army vs. Indians war...

His buddy Michael...

Silly pic with Addie

The hole in Addie's ceiling...

His favorite book...

And of course the obligatory self portrait...

He loves to take pictures and thankfully likes being in pictures (for the most part) too. We've come a long way, boy. Tomorrow I will post a bunch of pictures of Addison from our Princess Party and an impromptu photo shoot. (Some of Tman too.) :-)


karen said…
HAHA!! He's a funny kid that BEN!! :)
Kaci Mae said…
Couldn't you teach your kid to be a little more politically correct? Indians vs. Army...he'll get in trouble in school for playing like that :) I like that Mia holding his finger is one of his favorite things.
Julie Snell said…
Just another reason I love ben! Can't wait for the pics you teased!
Wendy said…
He captured a great one of Addie. Your kids take such authentic pictures! Love it!
Hippo Brigade said…
This post reminded me of a blog post a friend of mine wrote about 10 tips for documenting your child's life. you can read it here:
I keep remembering the post when I watch Berlyn play with the neighbor kids, or look at our messy play room. I think, "things aren't always going to look like this, I should take a picture."
I'm glad your BFF is in town. How fun for you!

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