Sometimes He Says No to Blogs

I wanted to blog about something last week that God has been teaching me and I thought was really cool. I thought if it was a good message for me it HAD to be a good message for the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD to read on my blog, right? Not so much. I talked a little bit with the Indy BFF and she shared some wisdom with me that I think I've shared with other people, but never actually did myself; PRAY before posting a blog. Novel idea, I know. But I usually just read, reread, laugh at myself and press publish. Even when I'm talking about "Godly things" I pass over that (in my opinion) major step.

But it's a really, really, really, REALLY cool message, Lord!



I'm thankful for people who share wisdom with me. I'm thankful for serving a God that knows every teeny tiny detail about every single person and when I trust Him with my words (again, novel idea) He is able to use those words for His glory. And isn't that the whole reason why we're here, to bring HIM glory?

(**This post was brought to you by the verse John 3:30.)


Anonymous said…
That's cool that in thinking you would share something God has been teaching you He taught you (or re taught you ) something through it! So true that somethings don't need to be blogged for whatever reason..and praying before you publish is always a good plan. I have a few blogs that I've written and then just don't feel like the Lord wants them posted so I print them out and insert them into my journal.
Thanks for reminding me of that verse, More Him less me. :)
Lolly Caruana said…
beautiful. good for u, sister. love u.

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