Three Parter- Part 2


I picked up a fantastic little find the other day, a DVD with 50 easy-peasy crafts and whatnots for the kids to make. It's really neat. It came with two DVD's, which I thought was awesome, until I realized they're all the same crafts, except for 10, so first person who tells me they want it I'll happily give it to you. (Wait, is this like a "Blog Give-Away?" Am I big time now?) Anyway...

Here are pics from of our super fun-for-all crafty time...

Fizzie Treasure Rocks

Mix baking soda and water together until you can form a stiff ball (we added food coloring for fun)

Put a little "treasure" inside, any small toy, spare change... And form into a rock.

Let them dry really well for a few hours... we put ours outside to "bake", about 3 hours...

You can hide the rocks around the yard and send the kids on a hunt, make a map and everything. (Ben is really into making maps and hiding/finding stuff, so this part was really fun for him) Once the rocks are found put them into a LARGE bowl with about 2 or 3 cups of white vinegar. (We learned very quickly why a small bowl won't work. Apparently this is also how you make an erupting volcano.)

The white vinegar dissolves the rock and leaves your treasure!

This was a really fun activity. I talked a little about how God's Word teaches us to store our treasure in Heaven, and next time I think I'll talk a bit about the science behind the rocks... but I'll have to learn that for myself first. :-)

Alrighty... one part left!


Wendy said…
So fun! Now when I come to the Fitz house I am going to want to look for treasures in rocks in the yard :)
Lisa Gomez said…
We are going to try this! Thanks for posting it! Keep the crafts coming. :) We will come visit soon... xoxo

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