On the Bright Side
Benefits of having a plugged ear.
1. It sounds like a rain-maker in my head. You know, one of those hollowed out wooden things with cactus needles or pine needles or something in it and when you turn it upside down all the needles trickle down and it sounds like rain. Yeah, that. That's what it sounds like inside my head when I'm in the shower or when I brush my hair or scratch behind my ear. My own personal rain-maker. Rather soothing.
2. When I'm singing worship in church and I think I'm harmonizing now I realize I'm not and I really sound tone deaf. Note to self: Reserve harmonizing talent for car or kitchen. (Some of my best singing is done in the kitchen.)
3. I can get out of doing things because I didn't hear someone ask me to do it, honestly.
4. I hear 50% less whining.
5. I didn't have to fully participate in a group discussion the other day because the leader was to the right of me and I couldn't hear any of her questions. I just smiled and nodded and sat lost in a group discussion in my head, which was a heck of a lot more entertaining.
6. Snap, Crackle and Pop live in my eardrum now. It's like I'm eating Rice Krispies 24/7, so that's fun
7. I have the constant exciting hope that it might pop and I'll be able to hear again, and who doesn't love living with hope?