I Belong in the South

I've felt the pull for years.

With the biscuits and gravy, fireflies, thunderstorms, Nilla Wafer banana puddin', big porches, sayings like "I'm full as a tic", and where the church choir is made up of anyone who wants to come out from behind the pews and stand on the stage for a few hymns, I've always felt a little more southern US than southern CA.

But now I know for sure that's where I should be living. How do I know? Because "southern hospitality" ain't just a saying. It's the truth. People in the south know how to make a person feel welcome. And I think that might be one of my gifts - making people feel welcome. But it's awfully hard to do here in Orange County, where making people feel UNwelcome is normal, and even highly sought after (ahem - gated community - cough cough).

What's so special about the south then? Why are they so hospitable? I'll tell you why; Carports.

That's right, carports. No garage doors to close before you even open your car door lest someone, say, a new neighbor, wants to introduce themselves or chat about the weather or, I don't know, ask how you're doing? Heaven forbid.

I've been trying to be out front in the afternoons with hopes of meeting our neighbors as they come home from work, or the Club House, or wherever they go all day, but - so help me - they're making it really difficult! It's almost turning into a game with Ben. We watch a car coming down the street and we'll say, "This one! We'll meet these people!" but no. They open their garage doors, pull in, and shut them again. And that's that. Game over.

But that's ok. It's only been two weeks, and I have a plan.

Cookies. Once a week, we will deliver cookies.

They might resists at first. Or think we're trying to sell something. Or worry that I'm lacing them with pot, or baby drool. But we will prevail!

When I started Jr. High, and had to go to 7 different classes a day, thus spreading my friends thinly across campus, I decided to pick one person I didn't know in each class and set a goal to be their friend - real friend - by the end of the year. I did this all the way through college. I love a friend challenge!

So I pick YOU, fine people of White Oaks! You WILL be my friends by the end of the year! You can take the girl away from hospitality, but you can't take the hospitality away from the girl!!


Wendy said…
That is Hi-larious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carports huh? Who knew. They will be lucky to meet you if they actually let you and your pot filled, drool laced cookies in :) Come back and play on Rosales any time.XOXO
Allison said…
:( - we have been welcomed well in this gated community. You should have moved here - for more reasons than one ;) And truth be told, there are A LOT of snobby gated communities in the south. I think you need small town - any region. Until then, cookies sound like a great idea!
Unknown said…
I love this!! I whole heartedly agree with the carport theory. It is so easy to close your door, garage, life to the people around you. Gated community or not it's easy to avoid each other and just go on our merry ways. I've learned a lot more than I've wanted to about my neighbors by living in an apartment and it's been reviling how I deal with the constant daily interaction of other families. It's a challenge for me to hear all their noise and know that almost anytime I go out of my door I'll be greeted by a neighbor. I think that you are on the other side of the extreme with not even getting a simple wave hello as they get out of their car.
You do have a gift of making people feel welcomed, I'm glad you're going to be persistent.
I think you would be really interested in a book I'm reading it's called "Sidewalks in the Kingdom" by Eric O Jacobsen.
Hippo Brigade said…
Can I have some cookies. I'm already your friend, but a good friend can always use some cookies...even if they are laced with baby drool.
Which I know they are.
Anonymous said…
You'll have them eating out of your hand .....literally...in no time. Love you! dad
Anonymous said…
You are so funny! What about that park in your community? Have you gone there at a ripe park time? Wonder if you could meet some mommys there and chat by the swings? Or better yet, bring your cookies to the park and you'll REALLY be popular!! :) XOXO
Lolly Caruana said…
6054 Tanana dr...no gates, no fences, and best of all, on sale across the street from me!!! :) wish you were in it!

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