12The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ... 18But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20As it is, there are many parts, but one body. 21The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!"... 25so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
Today I saw the body of Christ played out among a group of women. It was as if these verses from 1 Corinthians 12 were being acted out right in front of me. I was amazed. I don't think, in all my church going experience, I have ever seen a more clear portrayal of Christ's intentions for those who follow Him, it was beautiful. This is what was going on...
I attended a breakfast put on by a lady named Ali who heads up a ministry at my church called 139. I've mentioned it before; it works with and supports ladies all over Orange County who are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy and are choosing to either keep the baby or have chosen adoption. This ministry is only 3 years old and started with only a couple women and has come to reach a volunteer list of over 200. To go into all the details of this ministry would take me hours so I'm hoping you'll check out the website to find out more.
I am relatively new to the ministry. I've done a few things here and there, dropped off snack for one of the bible studies, stuffed envelopes, made phone calls, little jobs that fit into the nooks and crannies of my life. So this morning was a great opportunity for me to meet several of the women who represent pockets of volunteers that make this ministry run. A ministry this large requires mass communication via emails. Monthly, weekly, daily at times, emails are sent out to all who inquire about opportunities to serve. Whether it's the prayer team, craft team, snack team, study leader, cooking instructor, mentor, driver, baby-sitter or administration work, emails fly out and replies are sent back - usually within minutes -from ladies saying, I can do that - sign me up.
So here's where the manifestation occurred. Due to the number of volunteers and use of email to communicate, many of these women, although serving closely together, have never met. As I leaned against the kitchen counter I watched as woman after woman carried on relatively this same conversation,
"You're Mary? I'm Darlene! I coordinate where the snacks you bake go! Oh, thank you for your snacks!"
"You're Cathy? I'm Nancy! I pray for all the prayer requests you send out each week."
On and on it went, meeting the faces of our fellow servants. It was such a sight to behold. I loved that we are so intricately connected; one aspect of this ministry could not function without the other. These hundreds of volunteers lean into, depend on and trust one another so whole heartedly for one purpose only; to serve one master, our Master.
I left with an overwhelming sense of God looking down on that breakfast, smiling and saying, "That's my Body at work! Well done ladies!"
I was encouraged to hear from women whom I perceive as pillars of the ministry, the arms and feet if you will, thanking me - more of an elbow type- for the little things I've done here and there to help them out. Little ol' me? An elbow helped feet out? Absolutely.
So what's your body part? Whatever it may be it's needed. You are needed. So get out there and get some exercises because the body of Christ is awakening'!!
Today I am thankful for...
1. a lovely time at Ali's house. Not only was it everything above, but it was 2 1/2 hours of talking to other ladies who love the Lord and 2 1/2 hours of talking without sweet little interruptions every 5 seconds from Ben.
2. my dad coming down to watch Ben this morning so Mark could sleep.
3. the quality time Ben had with some great men today. First my dad then Mark.
4. going to the park with Sarah and her three, plus two she was watching. That girl is fabulous with kids, let me tell you!
5. sitting with Mark in the backyard watching Ben play. Does it get any better than that?
6. how lovely the day turned out to be, since it started out so cold and gloomy. I had to change clothes because it got so warm!
7. catching a few minutes of my dear friend Joanna's time with a little phone call tonight. Can't wait to see her in the end of May.
8. serious talk of going to Hawaii in September!!
9. Ben trying to say just about everything he can think of. Today he said "cracker" and "boo boo" (referring to the cut on his big toe).
10. a God who took the time to explain to us how he wants his body of believers to act. And I'm thankful I saw an example of that this morning.
Today I saw the body of Christ played out among a group of women. It was as if these verses from 1 Corinthians 12 were being acted out right in front of me. I was amazed. I don't think, in all my church going experience, I have ever seen a more clear portrayal of Christ's intentions for those who follow Him, it was beautiful. This is what was going on...
I attended a breakfast put on by a lady named Ali who heads up a ministry at my church called 139. I've mentioned it before; it works with and supports ladies all over Orange County who are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy and are choosing to either keep the baby or have chosen adoption. This ministry is only 3 years old and started with only a couple women and has come to reach a volunteer list of over 200. To go into all the details of this ministry would take me hours so I'm hoping you'll check out the website to find out more.
I am relatively new to the ministry. I've done a few things here and there, dropped off snack for one of the bible studies, stuffed envelopes, made phone calls, little jobs that fit into the nooks and crannies of my life. So this morning was a great opportunity for me to meet several of the women who represent pockets of volunteers that make this ministry run. A ministry this large requires mass communication via emails. Monthly, weekly, daily at times, emails are sent out to all who inquire about opportunities to serve. Whether it's the prayer team, craft team, snack team, study leader, cooking instructor, mentor, driver, baby-sitter or administration work, emails fly out and replies are sent back - usually within minutes -from ladies saying, I can do that - sign me up.
So here's where the manifestation occurred. Due to the number of volunteers and use of email to communicate, many of these women, although serving closely together, have never met. As I leaned against the kitchen counter I watched as woman after woman carried on relatively this same conversation,
"You're Mary? I'm Darlene! I coordinate where the snacks you bake go! Oh, thank you for your snacks!"
"You're Cathy? I'm Nancy! I pray for all the prayer requests you send out each week."
On and on it went, meeting the faces of our fellow servants. It was such a sight to behold. I loved that we are so intricately connected; one aspect of this ministry could not function without the other. These hundreds of volunteers lean into, depend on and trust one another so whole heartedly for one purpose only; to serve one master, our Master.
I left with an overwhelming sense of God looking down on that breakfast, smiling and saying, "That's my Body at work! Well done ladies!"
I was encouraged to hear from women whom I perceive as pillars of the ministry, the arms and feet if you will, thanking me - more of an elbow type- for the little things I've done here and there to help them out. Little ol' me? An elbow helped feet out? Absolutely.
So what's your body part? Whatever it may be it's needed. You are needed. So get out there and get some exercises because the body of Christ is awakening'!!
Today I am thankful for...
1. a lovely time at Ali's house. Not only was it everything above, but it was 2 1/2 hours of talking to other ladies who love the Lord and 2 1/2 hours of talking without sweet little interruptions every 5 seconds from Ben.
2. my dad coming down to watch Ben this morning so Mark could sleep.
3. the quality time Ben had with some great men today. First my dad then Mark.
4. going to the park with Sarah and her three, plus two she was watching. That girl is fabulous with kids, let me tell you!
5. sitting with Mark in the backyard watching Ben play. Does it get any better than that?
6. how lovely the day turned out to be, since it started out so cold and gloomy. I had to change clothes because it got so warm!
7. catching a few minutes of my dear friend Joanna's time with a little phone call tonight. Can't wait to see her in the end of May.
8. serious talk of going to Hawaii in September!!
9. Ben trying to say just about everything he can think of. Today he said "cracker" and "boo boo" (referring to the cut on his big toe).
10. a God who took the time to explain to us how he wants his body of believers to act. And I'm thankful I saw an example of that this morning.