
It's been awhile, hasn't it? I've been thankful for 10 things everyday, but staying at someone else's house and not being able to use my computer makes for a good enough reason to skip a few days. But I've been thankful, you better believe it.

I've always thought I'd love to be a speaker for women's groups, a motivational speaker if you will. One of my passions is motherhood; the trials, the joys, the really funny stories and lessons learned. Moms need to be encouraged, and I think that would be a fun job, to be the encourager. Here's the glitch though, I don't have a WOW testimony. Having been raised in a home where being a Christian was more a given than a decision, I never had an "Ah Ha" moment. No heavens opening or angels singing (that I could hear, anyway). Sometimes I get bummed about that, like my story is less effective than someone who has that shock factor we all love.

I told Mom Fitz about my secret dream of speaker stardom and instead of a "oh you'd be great at that" I was counting on from her, she said, "those women have gone through hell and back to have the stories that have. Be careful what you pray for, you might get it." She's right. And here's the great part... I don't need a juicy past to be used by God.

Today at MOPS each table leader told their testimony. So I grabbed my bible and began to share six or seven verses that over the course of my life God has used to teach me something. A lesson, a joy, a promise, a challenge. Although I didn't stun my table with a line full of dirty laundry and a stellar 180 ending, I was able to meet them right where most of them were at. We're children of God, we're wives and we're moms. In that order, too. No jaws dropped, not one Kleenex box was emptied, but Christ in my life was shared. And that was enough.

Today I am thankful for...
1. God being able to use my life, as uneventful as I is, to encourage my friends.
2. not knowing a pain so deep that death seems welcoming. I'm thankful that God, this far in life, has spared me from major catastrophies, depressions, battles, addictions and malicious events.
3. Amanda, for picking up my dropped sentences and helping me wrap up conversations.
4. Carrie, for praying for my talk this morning. Also that we ran into each other at church and then spent time at the playground together watching the boys play. I'm also thankful that we went to Disneyland yesterday, and that she got to see our new house today.
5. the AWESOME progress on our house. Word is we'll be able to move in on Tuesday. It looks beautiful and I can't wait to post pictures. :)
6. Mark's good health throughout this very busy, very stressful time.
7. Gavin making Ben laugh so hard today at the playground- he actually fell over laughing. It was pretty funny.
8. Kelly who made our table look BEAUTIFUL this morning. She has such a gift for adding special touches to things, she's so talented.
9. the handful of verses that have been a staple in my life for so long. In fact, I think I'll post one each day and tell the meaning behind it. Ooooh, a cliff hanger, I love it!
10. talking with Tina today. Being able to share in her excitement about good deals she's found. She pumps me up! I can't wait to see her, it's been so long. She talked to Ben on the phone too, and when he heard her voice he laughed. :)
11. my mom's sweet note to me, encouraging me about this morning at MOPS. One of the nice things about staying here is she does these little things for me, just like the good 'ol days.
12. my dad getting to KY safely and that he get's to spend time with his famiy at my cousin's wedding.


Amy said…
Sarah, it's true, you don't need have a rough life to be a motivational speaker through and for GOD! Sometimes all people need is ENCOURAGEMENT! And it might just take someone who knows and has the easy life, to be that special speaker! Someone who's had it rough may just need to be shown the 'yellow brick road path', do you know what I mean!? It's the inspiration, and joys that a speaker brings out, not always here's how bad I had it...and now it's better. Everyones' different. and fortunately people like us can only teach and show the joys, of how God's word made our life the simplicity it's been. After all, it's all about God's word to us isn't it! I love you!
Amy said…
and by the way...I can't wait to get to Cally either!!!:)
Hey, you joined my email list! Goodie :). I've been meaning to leave you a comment and let you know that the clothes you gave me are perfect in pretty much every way. Thanks so much.
I totally relate to what you said here... I'm in the same boat, although at this point life has been interesting enough to give me a bit of an unusual testimony. I'll bet you'd be a great speaker.

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