Silly Us

It's kind of a peculiar quandary we're all in, isn't it? This waiting around for the baby and all. See, I know you're all wanting to call, but don't want to bug me, but really want to know how I'm doing, but don't want to seem pushy, so you don't call. And I sit here, wanting to make some plans or something to keep me from going crazy (I think I'm pretty close to crazy), but I don't want to call anybody because I don't want people to see my number pop up on their caller ID and have them stop whatever it is they're doing, be it working, napping, stopping at a red light, and give them the slightest bit of hope that I might actually be in labor. So we all sit in silence, waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

Perhaps if this baby is a girl we should name her Patience. If it doesn't come out soon I'm tempted to name it Areyoukiddingme.


Dan said…
you are so funny. excellent writing, Sarah. you nailed it!! Dad
Anonymous said…
I just finished reading your blog again. I'm awaiting right here in Kentucky with big news from you at anytime your baby decides to make the entrance into our world as we know it. I pray that it will go easy for you, "little niece," and that all will be well for both. Love you,
Aunt Barb
P.S. My little grandson won't be far behind...three more weeks for Amy! I'm so excited for you both!
Anonymous said…
Sarah, your comment on my page made me laugh so hard. Those were the days, eh? "WHICH Yeah-Yeah are you talking to!?" :)

I'm following along from up here too, and am excited for you and your little fam as you guys anticipate another little addition - yay! Hang in there! Can't wait to hear the great news soon!

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