Reverse Your Prayers!

Mark is sick. So sick, in fact, if I were to go into labor in the next 24 (give or take 12 hours) hours or so he wouldn't be able to go to the hospital with me. Now I see why the Lord has kept this baby inside of me, it all makes sense now. Please, please pray that not only will Mark be 100% healed unfathomably fast, but that Ben and I will be miraculously immune to the bug Mark is carrying. (It's the stomach flu, and it ain't pretty). I haven't had any contractions to speak of today, as opposed to the 3 minutes apart ones I had yesterday, so maybe all this waiting is for a very good reason. That God, I tell ya, He is so good to give us what we need at times instead of what we want. So pray on, sweet friends.


Amy said…
Hope all gets better there! I get to wondering when you don't post daily now girl! Your down to the nitty gritty! :) Love you bunches! AMY
Lauren said…
I'll be praying for you all!!!

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