
Today I am so thankful for...
1. having a really good time at MOPS this morning and getting to see Carrie and the boys for a little bit afterwards. I got to play with Gavin, Ben and JT (a little friend of Ben's) for a while and it was a lot of fun for me to chase them around and attempt to play basketball with those sweet boys.
2. ANOTHER girl from my MOPS table having her baby boy!! Only three more to go!!
3. Gma arriving for the weekend!! So fun for Ben to have her doting on him all the time and so fun for me because I am free to leave for hours if I want to - by myself. :)
4. my mom coming down to see Ben and hang out with me and Tina after he went to bed. I'm so thankful that my mom and mom-in-law enjoy each others company. Makes things fun.
5. being able to go to four different stores today because Ben was happily at home with Gma. Do you know the last time I was able to make it to four different stores with Ben? I don't know either. It was so great, I just took my sweet time looking at everything. Loved it!
6. finding material to make curtains for the playroom. That's right... I'm going to MAKE them. This will be a first, so we'll see!!
7. giving birth in America. (sorry, ER is on and it's about a lady in Africa having a c-section, not very pretty to say the least.)
8. Tina organizing all of my kitchen cabinets for me. She's just so gosh darn good at it, I'm very thankful for that!!
9. meeting a lady at the fabric store who is from Northridge (where Mark grew up) and talking with her for a few minutes about My Hero (the sandwich shop Mark's grandparents owned for 39 years). This lady was having a bad day and after talking to me for a bit she told me maybe the reason she had driven to Mission Viejo all the way from Northridge was just to meet to me. Wow! How sweet it that!
10. Nonny feeling 100% better after a little bout with something similar to the flu, but really was just a little bit of stress before a 3 week vacation they left for on Monday. I can relate, I felt that same sickness the day before I left for NC. Anyway, glad she's back to her ol' rambunctious self.


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