
Today I am thankful for...
1. catching up with Tina with all the going ons in Charlotte. Man, I really wish I was there with everybody! But, if I was there, I wouldn't have this to be thankful for...
2. our WAY fun day at D-land with Leslie and her two and Amanda & Sophia. It wasn't very crowded and the weather was perfect. We all had a blast and the kids did GREAT!
3. the hour and a half Ben and I had there by ourselves before the rest of the gang arrived. I've never been with just Ben before and it was more fun than I thought it was going to be. He has such a great time there, I'm still so thankful for the passes my parents gave us.
4. Ben taking a nap in his stroller enabling us to stay longer. This is probably the third time in his LIFE that he's done that. Good for him!!
5. I know I said "our new phones" yesterday, but I really love them. They have this feature where we put a little video monitor in Ben's room and we can watch it on our phone, AND it works as an intercom if we want it too. So if I see him up I can just push a button and yell at him to lay down. Well, I probably won't do that, but should worse comes to worse, I'm glad I have the option.
6. Amanda noting that she's thankful for our chattiness during our waits in lines. Her hubby is a lot like Mark and "chattiness" would probably be the last word to describe us waiting in line together. I love being a girl and being friends with girls that love being chatty.
7. all the pictures we took today, hopefully I can post some of them on here, they're from Amanda's camera.
8. Ben's really good mood today! It helped out a lot and made for a wonderful trip to d-land.
9. a phone call from Joanna, always a treat.
10. Mark's calls from work just to let me know he's thinking of me. (All together now... awwwww)


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