
Today I am thankful for ...

1. the card and magazine page Carrie tore out and sent to me of the half marathon we're GOING to run this June! I was one day away from giving up. It was perfectly timed and it meant so much to me to know she believes in me 100%, even though I'm still learning to believe in myself.

2. reading Amy's blog today. She wrote about running MORE than a mile without stopping. That was so motivating to me too! Thank you Amy, you are an inspiration!

3. my friend Sherry, from Bible study, having a happy and healthy baby girl. Welcome to the world baby Hannah!

4. meeting with Marie today and giggling with her about her future. I'm so blessed by her excitement and passion for life, love and the Lord.

5. talking "mom talk"with Carrie on the phone this morning.

6. finally mailing off some bulk mail for Mark. It's taken me THREE different trips to the Post Office, but mission accomplished today!

7. finding cute Valentines to bring to my table of ladies at MOPS tomorrow.

8. 1 John 3:1. It's one of the first verses I memorized and I still sing the song that helped me learn it. Today it played over and over in my head, what a great verse to have stuck in my head! "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God! For that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us, is that it does not know him."

9. Ben holding my hand today as we walked around the neighborhood. (No, Carrie, this isn't the "long walk" I was talking about.) :)

10. the cherry chocolate chip muffins I made this morning. Yummy.


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