
Today I am so thankful for...
1. MOPS. I'm going to say it every Thursday, I love it so much.
2. memories of good friends
3. Leslie's going to Trader Joe's for the FIRST time, believe it or not, and finding out that I wasn't just making up all the hype; it really is the best place on earth.
4. Mark being able to get a lot done at the house today.
5. finding old journals and reading some in them. The things I stressed about when I was 16! It's a funny read, that's for sure.
6. Ez getting the proper medical treatments and that Carrie took him to the doctor. Poor little guy.
7. my trip to the mall.
8. e-Bay
9. strawberry stands, especially the TWO within walking distance to my house.
10. fruit in general. I'm agreeing with my friend Marie on this one, California has the best fruit year-round. I would miss it if I lived anywhere else. I'm not saying other states don't have good fruit, relax my loves in MS, NC, KY and IL, Cally has a better variety and at a cheaper cost too, that's all.


Amy said…
Yes, you are right...Cally does have the best strawberries year round, and cheaper! That's why you should really drop a box of them in the mail, and bill me for them! :)

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